Product Representation:
While we make every effort to accurately represent our jewellery through images and descriptions on our website and other marketing channels, please note that actual product colours, sizes, and designs may vary slightly due to factors such as lighting, photography techniques, and individual screen settings.
Our product prices are subject to change without prior notice. While we endeavour to keep our pricing information updated, discrepancies may occasionally occur. Therefore, we recommend contacting us directly or visiting one of our branches for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.
Product Availability:
While we strive to maintain adequate stock levels of our jewellery collections, certain products may become temporarily unavailable due to factors such as high demand or manufacturing delays. In such cases, we apologise for any inconvenience caused and encourage customers to explore alternative options or inquire about restocking timelines.
We take pride in the authenticity and quality of our products. However, customers are advised to verify the authenticity of certifications provided with their purchases, such as hallmark certifications for gold jewellery or gemological certifications for diamond ornaments, through independent verification channels if desired.
Terms and Conditions:
By engaging with Rambhajo's Jewellers through our website, social media platforms, or physical stores, customers agree to abide by our terms and conditions, which govern aspects such as payment methods, return policies, and warranty coverage. We encourage all customers to review these terms and conditions carefully before making any purchases.
Legal Disclaimer:
Rambhajo's Jewellers shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use of our products or services, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of data, or damage to property. Customers are advised to exercise due diligence and discretion when making purchasing decisions.